HSE Minecraft Helps Foster Virtual Community
HSE students came up with the idea of building HSE University’s Pokrovka Complex in Minecraft at the very beginning of the lockdown. In May, the opening ceremony was held, where HSE Rector delivered his welcome address, followed by lectures and a concert. HSE University now has a full-fledged virtual campus that brings HSE community closer together. Project organizer Olesya Yakovleva told HSE News Service more about the project.

HSE’s New Library at Pokrovka: 500 Seats, 24-Hour Access
On September 2, HSE’s newest and largest library will open its doors. Read on to learn about the concept behind its design, its collections, and its opening hours.

HSE Open House: Where Physicists Study
Students in the Faculty of Physics, one of the newest departments at HSE, will find a homey atmosphere, understanding teachers, and the opportunity to engage in science from the first year of studies. Physics students Arslan Galiullin (2nd year) and Sofia Lopatina (1st year) will be our guides for this instalment of the Open House project.
Where Designers Are Made
White walls with stickers and residue from coloured tape, smoothies and vegetarian dishes at the cafeteria, and students whom it’s difficult to send home even at 11:00 p.m. – this is how third-year Fashion student Zhenya Sychev and third-year Communication Design student Inna Zozulya described the HSE School of Design in the latest edition of Open House.

Where Future Lawyers Study
A piano in the cafeteria, photographs of fingerprints and Malevich prints on the walls – these are the types of interiors that law students of the Higher School of Economics are accustomed to. In the latest edition of the Open House Project, third-year undergraduate law students Alyona Geraschenko and Baira Bembeeva take us on an excursion to the Faculty of Law.

Where Mathematicians Are Made
This summer, the HSE Faculty of Mathematics moved into a new building on Usacheva Street. As part of the Open House project, two HSE students – Petr Ogarok, a second-year student in the Mathematics programme, and Anastasia Matveeva, a first-year master’s student in the Mathematics and Mathematical Physics programme – gave an excursion around the new building.

Where Teachers, Principals, and Education Researchers Learn
Portrait galleries of renowned scientists, research laboratories right next to large classrooms and auditoriums, educational programmes for students and principals – these are just a few of the things discussed during an excursion around the HSE Institute of Education as part of the Open House project. Victoria Malova, a second-year student in the Evidence-Based Education Policy master’s programme, and Denis Federiakin, a second-year student in the Measurement in Psychology and Education master’s programme, served as the tour guides for the day.

Where Journalism, PR, and Advertising Experts Are Made
Student-run television studios, artwork, effective advertising examples, and walls with headlines from Kommersant – these are just a few of the things discussed during an Open House excursion around the buildings where students specialising in media and communications study.

A Virtual Tour of HSE MIEM
How does one enter into virtual reality? How many hours does it take a 3D printer to print a bust of Van Gogh? And is it true that in one of HSE’s laboratories, you can monitor low Earth orbit satellites in real time? In the newest edition of Open House, Anastasia Zaitseva and Artem Ivanov, both fourth-year students in the Informatics and Computing Technology undergraduate programme, talk about these questions and more.

Where Programmers Become Programmers
What are Euclid and Descartes doing in a building that at one time belonged to the Gosplan? What does M+P+ mean, and how do you get an internship at Google? In the latest edition of Open House, Valentin Biryukov, a second-year student in the Applied Mathematics and Informatics programme, and Maria Gordenko, a fourth-year student in the Computer Engineering programme, talk about these questions and more.