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Masha Volina to speak on 'Demonstrative Pronouns in Khwarshi'

Usable Pasts

In 2015, the international master's programme in English will launch, called Applied and Interdisciplinary History 'Usable Pasts'.The programme is headed by Associate Professor at the School of History of the St Petersburg Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Julia Lajus.

Belief in Life after Death Affects Suicide Rates

Followers of older, more established religions are less likely to commit suicide than adepts of newer faiths. Factors influencing the risk of suicide include a feeling of isolation from the majority and a belief in life after death, according to a study by Eduard Ponarin, Director of the HSE's Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (LCSR) in St. Petersburg, and Vassily Usenko, M.D., Ph.D., from Dnipropetrovsk.

Scholars Explore New Approaches to Women’s History in Russia

This year, a group of Russian scholars, published Women's History in Russia: (Re)Establishing the Field, which through a series of essays explores Russian gender and women’s history. The book’s editor, Marianna Muravyeva, Associate Professor, St. Petersburg School of Social Sciences  and Humanities recently spoke with the HSE news service about the book and the growing interest in women’s history among Russian scholars.

Evgeniy Anisimov, Tenured Professor at HSE, Awarded by Russian Government

Evgeniy Anisimov, Professor of History and Chief Research Fellow at the Centre for Historical Research (HSE Campus in St. Petersburg), has received the Russian government’s award for 2014 in the field of culture. The award recognizes Anisimov for the International Congress of the Towns and Cities of Peter the Great, a cultural and educational programme in which he serves as academic supervisor.

Results of the Academic Year 2013/2014

At a meeting of the HSE's Academic Council on November 28, Vice Rector Sergei Roshchin presented a report on the University's educational and methodological activities for 2013/2014.

International Conference on Economics and Culture

On November 10-15, the IV International Conference ‘Cultural and Economic Changes in a Comparative Perspective’ took place in St. Petersburg. Organized by HSE’s Laboratory for Comparative Social Research, the conference has traditionally brought together Russian and foreign scholars working on issues of values, trust, social capital, corruption and inequality in a changing world, as well as the role of religion in political activity and other social issues in Russia and other countries.

‘In America I Was Attacked for Being a Marxist and Here I Was Attacked as a Bourgeois Falsifier of History’

In 2014 the working group of the Department of History of Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg won the university competition and received institutional support for the international research project ‘Comparative Historical Studies of Empire and Nationalism’. Ronald Grigor Suny is Charles Tilly Collegiate Professor of Social and Political History at the University of Michigan, Emeritus Professor of Political Science and History at the University of Chicago and Senior Research Fellow at the Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg.  He talks his research interests in history and the International Research Project ‘Comparative Historical Studies of Empire and Nationalism’.

Portable Pensions Will Reduce Informal Migrant Labour

Migrant workers in the CIS are vulnerable in terms of pension rights. The recipient country does not expect to care for them in old age, while the country of origin does not count the years worked abroad towards their retirement plan. Portable pensions may offer a solution, according to researchers of the HSE's Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (St. Petersburg) involved in the study Pension Mobility within the Eurasian Economic Union and the CIS.


of school-age students participate in scientific and technical clubs, especially in mathematics and computer science. These pursuits turned out to be rather uncommon.

I Believe in Text Analysis

The HSE St Petersburg Laboratory for Internet Studies is hosting a conference on 18-19 September on Social Media and Social Movements. A key speaker at the conference is Robert Ackland, Associate Professor and Deputy Director at the Australian Demographic and Social Research Institute, Australian National University. The HSE English Language News Service asked him about his work and his hopes for the conference.