Keep Your Eyes On: A Prospective Device for Self-Monitoring Vision
As part of the Strategic Project 'Success and Self-Sustainability of the Individual in a Changing World,' scientists at HSE University have conducted a study to develop an electronic device designed to reduce the risk of occurrence and progression of eye diseases.

HSE University Leads in 5 Subject Rankings of the ‘Three University Missions’
The RAEX agency has published the subject rankings of Russian universities in 2024. According to the research, HSE University came first in 13 subjects and leads in five disciplines.

Charming East: HSE University Hosts Anniversary Oriental Crazy Day 2024
At the end of May, HSE University hosted the traditional Oriental Crazy Day. This year the holiday was held for the tenth time. For students, this is an opportunity to show their talents on stage, take part in fortune-telling with the Book of Changes, and learn more about the diversity of Asian cultures as well as the bachelor’s programme ‘Asian and African Studies.’

'Language Surrounds Us at All Times'
The most likely place to find Anton Buzanov is at the HSE building on Staraya Basmannaya Ulitsa, where the researcher spends nearly all his time. In his interview with the HSE Young Scientists project, he recounts his experience of leading a field expedition to Sami communities, shares his affection for teenage television shows, and observes that engaging solely in activities that bring joy can prevent burnout.

‘The Russian-Chinese Partnership: A Stabilising Factor in the World’
A delegation from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) visited HSE University. As part of the visit, a roundtable discussion on ‘Russia and China: Comprehensive Partnership and Strategic Interaction in a New Era’ was held. Participants discussed issues related to the Russian-Chinese strategic interaction in global and regional security, finance, trade, and investment. The meeting was moderated by Victoria Panova, Vice Rector of HSE University, Head of the BRICS Expert Council–Russia, and Russia's Sherpa in the ‘Women's Twenty.’

BRICS Academic Forum Held in Moscow
The Forum brought together more than 200 representatives from the expert community across all BRICS countries to discuss the topic ‘BRICS: New Figures at the Global Chessboard.’ The forum was organised by the BRICS Expert Council–Russia, which operates on the basis of HSE University. The event’s opening ceremony featured the representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the State Duma, as well as HSE University Rector Nikita Anisimov and HSE Vice Rector, Russian W20 Sherpa Victoria Panova.

Lyceum Classes with Support from HSE: School Students from Uzbekistan Visit HSE University
HSE University has welcomed students of the International House Tashkent Academic Lyceum at TIIAME National Research University, Uzbekistan. The students are participants in the educational project 'Lyceum Classes with Support from HSE,' initiated by the International Admissions Office and implemented since 2022 in collaboration with faculties of HSE University and foreign educational institutions.

HSE University-St Petersburg and University of Technology Malaysia Open Joint Laboratory
HSE University-St Petersburg and University of Technology Malaysia (UTM) have opened a mirror laboratory in social entrepreneurship. The opening ceremony of the Russian part of this laboratory took place during the International Partners' Days, which gathered delegations from 23 foreign universities.
HSE University Students to Help Russian Brands Enter Chinese Market
Foreign students from HSE University recently took part in the project of the School of Entrepreneurship for international students ‘Start your business with Moscow!’. Wang Yue, 31, first-year student of the HSE GSB Master's programme in International Management from China, became one of the most active participants in the project. She shared her impressions of participating in the training with the HSE News Service.

KIVO-2024: One Million Roubles from Alfa-Bank and Academic Support from HSE University
The Competition of Innovations in Education (KIVO), implemented by HSE University in strategic partnership with Alfa-Bank, announced the first wave of applications. The participants can submit projects developing various innovations in education: methodological and technological developments, art/media projects, training simulators, applications, platforms, devices, board games, events, formats for creating educational materials, organising spaces and interactions, as well as other ideas. The winner of the competition will receive one million roubles, the winners in nominations from the competition partners will receive additional prizes.