Pokémon, ARPANET, and the Mysterious East: Science Battles between Student Organisations at HSE
A special session of HSE Science Battles has taken place at the HSE Cultural Centre. This time, the speakers represented their student organisations and scientific fields. The evening brought together ideas about the future—from metaverses and deciphering ancient languages to neuromodular chips and the prospects of social sciences.

Science of Winning: Republic of Scientists Festival Held at HSE University
On November 8, HSE University hosted the Republic of Scientists Festival for the seventh time. The event aims to remind students that science is multifaceted and universal, to showcase areas of knowledge beyond their educational curriculum, and to connect early-career scientists with one another. Guests of the festival enjoyed interactive activities, popular science lectures by university faculty and alumni, and the grand finale of Season VII of Science Battles.

From Ingenious Fungi to Post-feminism: HSE University Hosts Season’s Last Science Battles Semi-Final
Season VI of Science Battles at HSE University is entering the homestretch. The June semi-final determined the list of finalists and helped many viewers choose their favourites. This time, young researchers decided to figure out how to conduct a police lineup without destroying a person’s life, as well as how to improve a child’s academic performance without instilling neurotic perfectionism. They also found out that fungi and mould help heal scars and save the environment, and that adherents of post-feminism have very mixed feelings about their own images on TikTok.

From Cultural Appropriation to Prison Jargon: Second Semi-Final of Science Battles Takes Place at HSE University
On March 19, the second semi-final of the fourth season of HSE University Science Battles brought together the topics of cultural appropriation, pharmacological neural networks, prison jargon, and ‘diseases’ of higher education on the same stage. Students from various degree programmes presented their projects in the Community space. Read on to find out more about the performances featured in the semi-finals.

From Hate-Watching to GMOs: Highlights of the HSE Science Battles’ Third Semi-Finals
The fifth season of HSE Science Battles is currently underway, with the Sber office serving as a venue for another stage of the battle. Four speakers fought for a place in the finals by presenting their research in a ‘TED Talks’ format. The HSE News Service reports on highlights from the event, including how to explain to your grandmother that GMOs aren’t dangerous, what font you should use to develop your memory, and who ‘hate-watchers’ are.

Robot Rights and Talking Babies: Discussions at HSE Science Battles
Four young scientists competed in the second semi-final of the fifth season of HSE University Science Battles, which was held at HSE Cultural Centre. What tasks lead students to cheat on exams, how babies learn to talk, whether artificial intelligence is subject to copyright, how to deal with false modesty — each researcher presented their work while the audience and the jury chose a winner to compete for the main prize of the season — an academic travel grant.

‘It Was Interesting to Showcase a Unique Student Project’
Held as part of the Second New Knowledge Marathon, the fourth HSE Science Battles attracted a wide audience. HSE Students Frol Sapronov, Marina Kasyulina, and Vsevolod Nikolsky took part in the competition’s new televised format to demonstrate how to talk about science vividly and in simple terms understandable to any audience.

HSE Science Battles Wrap Up Third Season
What professions in Russia are considered ‘dirty’? Do computers have empathy? What happens when the brain incorrectly predicts how we feel? The answers to these and other questions were tackled at the final round of the HSE Science Battles, which was held online for the first time this year. Read on to find out which performance was rated highest by the audience and jury and why the Science Battles are a must-see for everyone.